
author catalogue

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author catalogue为短语/超纲词汇
1. The comments in brackets are the author´s.

2. This poem communicates the author´s despair.

3. The book has a preface written by the author.

4. The book brought the young author to immediate prominence.

5. The publisher pressed the author for his book.

6. The author has put fire and passion into her writing.

7. No problem. Just sit down in front of your home computer or TV and enter what you want, when you want it, from an electronic catalogue containing thousands of titles.

8. Help the boy to look up the book in the catalogue.

9. Dickens is my favourite author.

10. A. That´s true. As you read, you feel everything with the author — or rather with her characters.
    A. 是的。当你读这本书的时候,就像和作者,或者不如说和书中人物一同经历了那些事情。
